HOW TO ORDER THE BILLY WRIGHT BOOK AND GET A FREE SPORTING LEGENDS SOUVENIR BILLY WRIGHT, A Hero for All Seasons the authoriosed biography will be published this autumn. By ordering it here on the official Billy Wright website you can guarantee getting the book delivered to you or to somebody for whom you wish to purchase it as a gift. What a Christmas present for anybody who followed football in the 1940s and 1950s! It not only covers Billy's life and times but also lists every single League championship and FA Cup winning team from the Golden Age of British football, plus the line-up of each of the 105 England teams with which Billy played. All these facts and figures have never before been collated in one single book. The published price will be around £16.50. You will receive it post free, PLUS if you order it from this site you will be sent absolutely free a unique souvenir. The gift is a sporting collector's dream; a superb reproduction that can be framed of Billy's personal travel instructions for the 1945 wartime international against Scotland at Hampden Park. The game drew a crowd of 135,000 and the notification tells Billy that THIRD class travel has been arranged! What makes it unique is that Billy, an avid autograph hunter, had it signed by every player in the team. The autographs include Stanley Matthews, Tommy Lawton, Denis Compton and Frank Swift, all legendary figures in English sporting history. And to make it even more of a collector's item, it includes Billy's own autograph in the days when he signed himself Bill Wright. It was the Press who turned him into Billy, and he did not start using that signature until 1947. To order the book, please email me your name and address, plus the name and address of the person to whom the book will be going. I will send you notification of the book's publishing date and details of to whom you should send your cheque. You will be sent the free souvenir along with the book. |